COVID19 (Corona) virus update

While we're building a new website, we also wanted to keep you in the loop on our response to the COVID19 virus.

Strong Nation Academy would like to assure all parent’s, family members, students and teachers that we are taking measures to ensure your health and wellbeing are our number 1 priority.

Our management team are monitoring the situation daily.

We have taken the following steps to do our part in helping stop the spread of this virus:

 - We have encouraged anyone who is sick or feeling sick to not attend classes.

 - Our teachers have been asked to re-choreograph dancers/routines/items so students do not touch each other or come into close contact.

 - Where required classes will be rescheduled.

 - All surfaces are being disinfected before and after classes

 - Teachers and students are being encouraged to wash their hands before and after classes.

At this point we will not be suspending classes until the Government Authorities instruct to do so but we will reviewing this decision daily.

Strong Nation Academy